

18 Novembro
Danças com forma, peso e cor
com Dinis Machado
10h - 12h30
Sala de Ensaio do Cineteatro António Lamoso

Público alvo: 12 aos 65 anos
Entrada livre mediante inscrição
Inscrição através do email: bcnproducao@gmail.com
Limitado a 30 participantes

Uma Dança por Mês é um ciclo de encontros de experimentação de uma determinada técnica de movimento ou prática da dança.
Este ciclo  visa promover a construção de um lugar comunitário para a experimentação e entendimento do movimento.
A próxima sessão é com o coreógrafo e bailarino Dinis Machado

Danças com peso, forma e cor
Partindo de experiencias sensorias em torno de práticas de massagens criativas. Dinis Machado vai desenvolver com os participantes ferramentas para a transformação de sensações, impressões e experiências em danças mirabolantes feitas a partir dos corpos específicos de cada um.

Dinis Machado (SE/PT) vive e trabalha entre Estocolmo e o Porto, onde nasceu. Foi um dos nomeados para o prémio Jardin D’ Europe no ImpulzTanz Viena 2014. Tem o MA em Coreografia a pela DOCH em Estocolmo, dirigido por Jefta Van Dinther e Frederic Gies, e estudou também Artes visuais na Maumaus, teatro na ESTC e ACE assim como Ballet e dança contemporânea no Balleteatro. Desde 2007 apresentou o seu trabalho na Áustria, Croácia, Uruguay, França, Suécia, Alemanha, Inglaterra e Portugal. Participou em contextos de pesquisa como AWaRE (Alkantara 2014) mediado por Sofia Dias e Vitor Roriz, Encontros Rumo mediados por Vera Mantero e Miguel Pereira, e Mugatxoan (Serralves/Arteleku) dirigido por Blanca Calvo e Ion Monduate. Do seu percurso como performer salienta as colaborações com DD Dorvillier, Mikael Klien, Miguel Pereira, Trisha Brown Dance Company, Rogerio Nuno Costa, Miguel Loureiro, O Cão Solteiro, e Isabel Barros.

November 18th
Dances with weight, shape and colour
with Dinis Machado
10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Cineteatro António Lamoso Rehearsal Room 

Target audience: 12 to 65 years old
Entry is free but registration is required
Registration via email bcnproducao@gmail.com
The maximum number of entries is 30 people  

Uma Dança por Mês is a cycle of experiential encounters of a particular movement technique or dance practice.
This cycle aims to promote the construction of a community place for experimentation and understanding of  movement.
The next session is with the choreographer and dancer Dinis Machado. 

Dances with weight, shape and colour

Starting from sensory experiences around practices of creative massages. Dinis Machado will develop with the participants tools for the transformation of sensations, impressions and experiences in daring dances made from the specific bodies of each one.

Dinis Machado (SE/PT)
“It is as if [Machado], with his whole body, is trying to create another room, independently of the actual room we find ourselves in, here and now. A room just as imaginary as it is tangible.” [Thomas Olsson/nummer.se]

With an education on Dance and Visual Arts, his works develop usually from the crossing point of this two areas: were the concrete gesture of plastic construction is reclaimed and worked as choreographic material. With an education in Dance and Visual Arts, his works usually develop from the crossing point of these two areas: where the concrete gesture of plastic construction is reclaimed and worked on as choreographic material. Born in Porto in 1987. Is based in Stockholm since 2012.
Works regularly as a performer since 2005 and as a choreographer of his own works since 2007.
Holds the MA in Coreography at DOCH (Stockholm) directed by Jefta Van Dinther and Frederic Gies, finished also the Independent Studies Program in Visual Arts at Maumaus – Visual Arts School (Lisbon) directed by Jürgen Boch and has a BA in Theatre by the Superior School of Theatre and Cinema (Lisbon). Studied also Classical Ballet and Contemporary dance for 7 years at Balleteatro (Porto). In 2013 received the life Long Burning (Jardin D'Europe) Swedish co-production by CullbergBallet for his project Black Cats Can See In The Dark But Are Not Seen. The work was one of the nominated for the Pris Jardin D'Europe at ImPulsTanz 2014. From his education he underlines the contact with Olga Mesa, Francisco Camacho, Vera Mantero, Teatro Praga, Jennifer Lacey, Robert Stein, Janez Jansa, Paz Rojo, Lito Walkey, Norberto Llopis Segarra, Sandra Noeh, Jefta Van Dinther, Frederic Gies, Alice Chauchat, Eric Duyckaerts and Juan Dominguez. Was part of research residencies like Mugatxoan directed by Blanca Calvo and Ion Monduate, Encontros Rumo mediated by Vera Mantero and Miguel Pereira, and AWaRE at Festival Alkantara 2014 mediated by Sofa Dias and Vitor Roriz. Works as Choreographer since 2006. Since then created the several performances in colaboration and presented in Austria, Croatia, Uruguay, France, Sweden, Germany, England and Portugal in contexts as ImpulsTanz, MDT, Weld, Dance 4, Chealsea Theatre, Festival de Danza Contemporãnea de Uruguai, Festival Escritas Na Paisagem, Festival Temps D'images, Festival Da Fábrica, Quarta Parede, ZDB/Negócio, NEC, Edifício (O Rumo do Fumo/Fórum Dança), Plataforma HR, among others. Was board of Interim Kultur, between 2012 and 2014 and recently engaged at the board of the MARC residency center invited by it's director Rachel Tess.