[aka Rogério Nuno Costa]
16 Março
F for Food
Uma performance culinária de Chef Rø
School of Arts, Design and Architecture da Aalto University
Espoo, Finlândia
F for Food
Uma performance culinária de Chef Rø
School of Arts, Design and Architecture da Aalto University
Espoo, Finlândia
A convite dos editores do livro “Food and Other Practices in the Arthouse” (Ali Akbar Mehta e Vidha Saumya) editado em 2017 pela Aalto University, e com base na compilação textual e visual do trabalho desenvolvido por Chef Rø entre 2006 e 2016 nele incluída, “F for Food” propõe a construção de uma fábula gastronómica em torno do conceito de fraude. Ou sobre a redução da Arte (e do resto) à disciplina do Design. Um presente envenenado dedicado a todos os cultural foodies que gostam de comer a carne sem lhe ver o sangue. It’s pretty, but is it Food?
A performance será apresentada durante o seminário de lançamento do livro “Food and Other Practices in the Arthouse”, no dia 16 de Março de 2018, na School of Arts, Design and Architecture da Aalto University (Espoo, Finlândia).
Rogério Nuno Costa é artista, investigador, professor, curador e escritor em vários projectos coolturais e pós-artísticos, formalmente americanos, conceptualmente europeus, religiosamente Kopimistas, filosoficamente Piratas e literariamente re-re-realistas (ou realistas gagos). Com formação académica na área da Comunicação, considera-se um observador (participante) com uma curiosidade mórbida pela arte que se parece mesmo com Arte, só devolvendo o resultado das suas investigações porque é o que manda o Código Deontológico dos Jornalistas. Na persona do Chef Rø, tem elaborado inúmeros cruzamentos da Cozinha Conceptual™ com as artes performativas e os novos media, pretendendo com isso que a Arte se eleve à categoria de Gastronomia (o contrário já foi feito). Não é actor; considera que todos os trabalhos de teatro/performance que realizou em colaboração com diversos artistas e companhias foram trabalhos de consultoria. Trabalha atualmente na construção (from scratch) de uma “Universidade”.
F for Food
A culinary performance by Chef Rø[aka Rogério Nuno Costa]
“F for Food” is a commission from Ali Akbar Mehta & Vidha Saumya, co-editors of the book “Food and Other Practices in the Arthouse” published in 2017 by Aalto University. Taking the contribution of Rogério Nuno Costa in the book (a textual and visual compilation of the work developed by Chef Rø between 2006 and 2016) as a starting point, “F for Food” proposes the building of a gastronomic fable around the concept of fraud. Or about the reduction of Art to the discipline of Design. A poisoned gift dedicated to all the cultural foodies that love to eat the meat without seeing the blood. It’s pretty, but is it Food?
The performance will happen during the lauching seminar of the book “Food and Other Practices in the Arthouse”, on the 16th March 2018, at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Aalto University (Espoo, Finland).
Rogério Nuno Costa is an artist, researcher, teacher, curator and writer, working in many cool'tural and post-artistic projects that are formally American, conceptually European, religiously Kopimist, philosophically Pirate and literarily re-re-realist (or stutterer-realist). With an academic background in Communication, considers himself a (participant) observer with a morbid curiosity towards that art that really looks like Art; and he only delivers the results of his investigations because it is what the Code of Ethics for Journalists demands. Under the alias Chef Rø, he has been fabricating countless cross-disciplinary experiments with the so-called Conceptual Cooking™, the performing arts e the new media, aiming that one day Art will be considered a Gastronomy (the other way around has already been done...). He is not an actor; all theatre/performance works he has been engaging in were actually art consultancy collaborations. Currently, he is undertaking the building (from scratch) of a “University”.